
August 29, 2012

Blog Perspective

I am beginning my sixth year as an art teacher at Button Gwinnett, following almost a decade as a Kindergarten teacher. One of my greatest strengths is my knowledge of the World of Art. I have so much that I want to impart to my students that I struggle to keep a balance between what can be taught and what is age and standard appropriate. I used to use the teacher's edition of our art textbooks as a bible of sorts, and get frustrated when students were less than successful in a lesson. I learned fairly early that the books are more of a guide, and that differentiation is essential. 

Art teachers don't have peers readily available at school to bounce ideas off of like grade level teachers do. Sometimes I miss the opportunity to collaborate with others with the same curriculum. I am finding that the blogs of other educators allow me some of that perspective. Those blogs can be a wonderful resource. 

I'm adding a list of blogs that I really like today. Teachers and interested parents might find these useful as well.

This site has wonderful lesson plans and tips, some of which can be purchased as PDF's. Wonderful blog!

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