
September 27, 2012

Portraits and More

We have spent most of September delving into the the following projects. I have included the basics tenets of the standards or artists that correlate with these projects:

  1. Fish Collage
    • Combines materials in new and different ways.
  2. Letter Birds
    • Combines materials in new and different ways.
    • Added focus on letters and shapes.

First Grade: Self Portrait
  • Artwork fills composition space.
  • Awareness of shape, pattern, texture.

Second Grade: Family Portrait

  • Landscapes with a horizon line
  • Social Studies family unit

Third Grade: Portrait in a Landscape

  • Landscape- foreground, middle ground, background
  • Perspective- Size and Placement

Fourth Grade: Portraits (Matisse, Van Gogh, Britto)

  • Landscape, still life, portrait from direct observation
  • Mixes and uses color schemes.
  •              Solar System science unit and Van Gogh's Starry Night

Fifth Grade: Portraits (Pop Art/ artist Romero Britto)

  •              Emphasize proportion/distortion.
  •              Uses color schemes in work.

The Art of Ed

I cannot find a way to add this great site to my list of blogs, so I'm adding it here. The resources have been a wonderful resource so far.

Assessment is one of this national board certified educator's strengths!

The link below fits into the Portfolio Assessment category.

Use Flickr to Create Digital Portfolios in Minutes | The Art of Ed